Play DSD Natively on a Mac
Pine Player Remote
Released on Apple App Store for iPhone and iPad.
Available for iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, macOs and Vision Pro
Pine Player Pro is a digital music player specially designed for music lovers using Mac OS. It can play almost any kind of digital audio format including MP3, FLAC, APE, AAC, M4A, WAV, AIFF, OGG, WMA, DSD, etc. It also has a powerful playback function which will allow you to enjoy CUE files with great convenience.
Upsampling function up to 32Bit 768kHz
Pine Player Pro supports a variety of PCM formats, which allows the playback of 16 to 32Bit sound sources. Moreover, it supports sampling of up to 768kHz, so it can reproduce sounds with clear and rich sound quality.
You will agree with us when you actually play regular MP3 files with Pine Player Pro. Needless to say,HD audio files such as DSD can also be upconverted up to 768kHz.
Cross Fade and Gapless Settings
You can use the Cross Fade function to decrease the gap between the songs or overlap them to intensify your musical enjoyment without pausing. This function is settable in seconds.
Convenient and powerful music file conversion function
Pine Player Pro has a built-in converter function that helps you easily convert music files to any format you want. Transitions can easily be made to various bits, sample rates, and audio codecs. There is also a meta editing function that allows you to make your own collection of music by adding or changing the app art or meta data.
High quality Graphic Equalizer and Bass Enhancer
Pine Player Pro internally has a powerful Audio Queue to process massive amounts of digital data. This will provent the damage of sound quality while processing EQ audio signals. In addition, it will accurately adjust the frequency signals to produce high sound quality just like the ones made from professional equipment.
Upsampling Max 32bit 768kHz
12 Band Graphic Equalize & Dynamic Bass Control
Try making your own personal tone that is suitable for your music device with the 12-band EQ and Bass control function. You’ll be able to experience vivid sounds just as if you’re in the first row of a music performance.
Music file format conversion function
Try converting music files into various formats. Conversion is possible into studio lossless WAV, AIFF, FLAC, etc., M4A series that can be registered in iTunes, and OPUS format which is appropritate for streaming services. Moreover, you can have your own collection of music by automatically changing the music file names based on meta information.
Since 2016
World Best free Media Player On MacOS
The free Pine Player project started six years ago through the efforts of an individual developer. We started developing MacOS with the idea that a simple and powerful player was needed to solve the inconvenience of listening to music. Pine Player Pro continues to develop based on its know-how.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to the implementation of additional features, we are unable to support versions below OSX 10.14. Therefore, we have set up a separate download site for users running OSX 10.14 or earlier. Please follow the URL below to download the notarized executable file from the Apple App Store.
Thank you.
불편을 드려 죄송합니다.
추가적인 기능 구현으로 인해, 부득이하게 OSX 10.14 이하 버전은 지원이 어려운 상황입니다. 이에 따라 OSX 10.14 이하 버전을 사용하시는 분들을 위해 별도의 다운로드 사이트를 운영하게 되었습니다. 아래 URL을 통해 이동하시면, Apple App Store에서 공증된 실행 파일을 다운로드하실 수 있습니다.
追加機能の実装により、OSX 10.14以下のバージョンのサポートができなくなりました。そのため、OSX 10.14以下のバージョンをご利用の方のために、別途ダウンロードサイトを運営しております。以下のURLからApple App Storeで公証された実行ファイルをダウンロードしていただけます。
由于新增功能的实现,我们无法支持OSX 10.14以下的版本。因此,我们为使用OSX 10.14及以下版本的用户设置了一个单独的下载站点。请通过以下URL前往Apple App Store下载经过公证的可执行文件。
由於新增功能的實現,我們無法支援OSX 10.14以下的版本。因此,我們為使用OSX 10.14及以下版本的用戶設置了一個單獨的下載站點。請通過以下URL前往Apple App Store下載經過公證的可執行檔。
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Aufgrund der Implementierung zusätzlicher Funktionen können wir Versionen unter OSX 10.14 nicht mehr unterstützen. Daher haben wir eine separate Download-Seite für Benutzer eingerichtet, die OSX 10.14 oder ältere Versionen verwenden. Bitte folgen Sie dem untenstehenden Link, um die notarisierte ausführbare Datei aus dem Apple App Store herunterzuladen.
Vielen Dank.
Nous vous présentons nos excuses pour ce désagrément.
En raison de la mise en œuvre de fonctionnalités supplémentaires, nous ne pouvons plus prendre en charge les versions antérieures à OSX 10.14. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place un site de téléchargement distinct pour les utilisateurs utilisant OSX 10.14 ou une version antérieure. Veuillez suivre l'URL ci-dessous pour télécharger le fichier exécutable certifié depuis l'Apple App Store.
Lamentamos las molestias.
Debido a la implementación de funciones adicionales, no podemos ofrecer soporte para versiones anteriores a OSX 10.14. Por lo tanto, hemos creado un sitio de descarga separado para los usuarios que utilicen OSX 10.14 o versiones anteriores. Por favor, siga el siguiente enlace para descargar el archivo ejecutable notariado desde la Apple App Store.
Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Из-за добавления новых функций мы больше не можем поддерживать версии ниже OSX 10.14. Поэтому мы создали отдельный сайт для загрузки для пользователей, использующих OSX 10.14 и ниже. Пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы скачать заверенный файл с Apple App Store.
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